Biomarker Kinetics ™ : CA-125 KELIM ™ Calculator in Ovarian Cancer & Other Biomarkers

Changes in serum tumor biomarkers may indicate treatment efficacy. Mathematical modeling allows calculation of the equations describing the longitudinal tumor biomarker time-changes. The model-based population kinetic approach is particularly relevant as it enables determination of individual kinetic profiles parameters based on a few timepoints, with limited impact of inter- and intra-individual variability of timepoints and assays.

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The Team

The models were developed by Team 3 of EA3738 CICLY of Lyon University (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France) and Lyon University Hospital (Hospices Civils de Lyon, France), in collaboration with the collaborative French GINECO Group, under the supervision of Prof Benoit You MD PhD. The internet site and the smartphone application were developed with the support of HCL Fondation. Translation in Mandarin langage: The Biomarker.Kinetics team would like to thank the Dr Weiwei Feng team (Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine, Shanghai, 200025, China) who translated the English content in Mandarin langage. 本团队感谢来自中国上海瑞金医院妇产科的冯炜炜和黄靖雯医生将网页翻译为中文。 Translation in Polish langage: The Biomarker.Kinetics team would like to thank the Polskie Towarzystwo Ginekologii Onkologicznej who translated the English content in Polish langage. Tłumaczenie na język polski: Zespół Biomarker.Kinetics pragnie podziękować Polskiemu Towarzystwu Ginekologii Onkologicznej, które przetłumaczyło angielską treść na język polski.

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Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 HCL Fondation HCL

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    Open Safari or Chrome
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    tap the   icon in Safari, or
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    Select "Add to Home Screen"

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KELIM cited in the recent ASCO guidelines for neo-adjuvant chemotherapy !

KELIM cited in the recent ASCO guidelines for neo-adjuvant chemotherapy !

The updated ASCO guidelines about the management of patients treated with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy have just been published in KELIM is cited as an indicator of the neo-adjuvant chemotherapy efficacy !

Your CA-125 KELIM can now be calculated in Chinese Mandarin langage !  您的 CA-125 KELIM 现在可以用中文普通话计算!

Your CA-125 KELIM can now be calculated in Chinese Mandarin langage ! 您的 CA-125 KELIM 现在可以用中文普通话计算!

Happy New Year 2025! The Biomarker-Kinetics team is pleased to share with you the new Mandarin Chinese version of the website. All you need to do is click the “ZH” button in the upper left corner. 2025 年新年快乐! 生物标记-动力学团队很高兴与大家分享网站的全新中文普通话版本。您只需点击左上角的 “ZH ”按钮即可。

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Salvovar logo

Learn more about the future European clinical phase III trial SALVOVAR, where the patients with unfavorable KELIM score < 1.0 and a disease not amenable to complete interval debulking surgery after 3 to 4 cycles standard neo-adjuvant chemotherapy will be randomized to the continuation of the standard 3-weekly regimen, or a salvage regimen with weekly dose-dense carboplatin-paclitaxel

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